21 May 2009

Childhood calls me here.

Friday afternoon I climbed a tree. In a skirt. I haven’t done that since I was a little girl!

Think, elementary school little.

Every day after elementary school, I would go to the park after mom picked my brother and I up. Instead of playing on the swings, we would climb this huge tree. We could climb so high that we could touch the top of the street light nearby. We climbed on the branches that sway in the wind. To get out of it I would swing out.

Climbing this tree in Africa reminded me of being little. Justin and I hiked up the road about a half a mile. We took some of the older kids with us and talked all the way up to the tree. When we got to the tree, some of us climbed up to get mangos.

The mango tree was easy to climb. There are great pictures! There is even one of me swinging out of it! Funny stuff.

Too bad the mangos weren’t ripe yet.

Then, two of the boys climbed a huge tree (think oak tree huge) to get “pears” (we would call them avocados). They climbed up really high! Then they dropped pears down to us.

One almost hit Justin on the head. Thankfully, it missed!

We packed our bags full of pears and the children were able to have them with dinner. They don’t get to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

Friday night, since the Children didn’t have school in the morning, we watched a movie with them. Justin brought Enchanted and we sat with the kids to watch it.

I had never seen it before, but it was cute. It was even cuter to watch as the children sitting next to me started to fall asleep in my arms.

It made me tear up thinking that when we leave, I won’t be here anymore to love them. I want to be more than just a temporary comfort to their life.

God is calling me to bigger things…

Am I brave enough to listen??

Maybe with His strength.

1 comment:

  1. :) I love your description of climbing childhood trees with your brother. Was it so freeing to do it again?
